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calendrier envoyé par: almeidamarco.Collaborations (Résultats): Zacarias16, Soares1, joel13lus, danielbs, faps16, esoj55, jovasibara, gnuno, amegoncalves, bernny7, nfclp, telmopisco, Speedy2, solark, Amarantino_25, 321123, huguh86, jeduardor, hugoeeu, sergiocardoso11, PFCVIEIRA_, JRedondo, gondomarallez, jose123, comaktm, vjpinho, bernardo_b, Fjesus, guimbomaster, ketchup268, MrSousa39, franclim123, Da_Silva, pedrinh028, YeahBuddy, diogolml, CBrasil, scorpioneg, rescuer, gomes_98, zecamourinho, beachboy, gondomarallez4, JOGARCIA, coimbroes1, frebelo1979, andreoliveira1995, brunofilipecorreia, Marialvas2007, FernandoFS, rics98, AR14, zezinho47, juary1965, relampago_nogueirens, Bem-Haja, 2012Portugal, sestosento69, silvafernandes, BrunoCostaCorreia, pedroruivaes, Troikado, gloriaverde, tito17, ruimig, Rodri2000, gfo, LuisPN21, metalizard, RFBMarques, desportiva, GDEixense, UDSbarman, e14, bonyfcp3, Yojimbo, pontinho, LFS67, novembro, cartao-vermelho, 000000, misterdebola, COD2012, Xavi, Patmvp, Rui_Aimar, luis165, ruijorgealves, prutito, rubenmiguel, PHENRIQUES1965, PAVC, Leiria, p1sp1s, LC9, pedrobulga, xicosilva, goncalommsc, josue15, m_araujo, Ordep4, gerv19, kaputzz, M_10_1997, nunoandreoliveira, martinho10, nunoftpereira, fabio_nunes_3, tiagoaddo, nugas, AZENHAS3, nunoxoes, RicardoBarros, 3696, symonyto, jagmonteiro, olivean, yonkwr, bruno13lobo, henrique_adn_10, ChiclasCesarense, paulojorge29, el_2027, RUFUS98, McBrothers, merengue_10, diogotula, carlosremuge, tiagopinto96, eduardo5678, Vieiracinfanense, otaner19, filipe99977, castrofcc, Gugaa, cherife7, CarlosCoelho, Carlos66, k-junixora, almeidamarcoCollaborations (Fiches):guimbomaster, Fjesus, juary1965, nfclp, rescuer, zezinho47, martinho10